
The latest list of Fortune Global 500 rankings in 2021 (No. 081-090)

The latest list of Fortune Global 500 rankings in 2021 (No. 081-090)

The latest list of FORTUNE GLOBAL 500 ENTERPRISES ranking list of Fortune Global 500 Companies in 2021 (No. 081-090):
  081, United States | DELL TECHNOLOGIES
  082, Switzerland | NESTLé
  083, Japan | NISSAN MOTOR
   084, South Korea | Hyundai Motor (HYUNDAI MOTOR)
  085, United Kingdom | LEGAL & GENERAL GROUP
  086, Germany | DEUTSCHE TELEKOM
   087, Italy | Italian National Electricity Company (ENEL)
   088, United Kingdom | AVIVA Group (AVIVA)
  089, China | CHINA FAW GROUP
  090, China | CHINA POST GROUP

   Chief Editor: Hou Songlin|Guangdong Chuandian Sanitary Products Co., Ltd.


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